Victor Caldera
Victor Caldera is a strong-willed speaker who fuses mind and machine.
- Might: 11, Speed: 9, Intellect: 21
- Effort: 1
- Intellect Edge: 1
- Cypher Use: 2 cyphers at a time.
- Abilities
- Fast Talk (1 Intellect point): convince (non-hostile) creature to take one reasonable action in the next round (agreed upon with the GM, can’t put creature or allies in danger or be out of character). Action.
- Anecdote (2 Intellect points): inspire group with a minute-long uplifting or pointed anecdote, and they are trained in a task (other than attack/defense) for one hour. Action.
- Terrifying Presence (2+ Intellect points): convince one intelligent target (level 3 or lower, or more with more Effort) that Victor is its worst nightmare; as long as doing nothing but speaking, target is paralyzed with fear, runs away, or similar. Action.
- Interaction Skills
- Enhanced Intellect
- Knowledge Skills
- Skills, etc.
- Weapons: can use light weapons without penalty.
- Trained: seeing through deception, persuading, resisting mental effects, tasks requiring incredible focus or concentration, biology, history.
- Inability: medium and heavy weapons, figuring out puzzles or problems, memorizing things, or using lore.
- Equipment: clothing, light weapon, two expensive items, two moderately-priced items, four inexpensive items.