Sandy Gnorman “Gnorm” Diamondson
Work in progress.
Sandy Gnorman “Gnorm” Diamondson is a chaotic gnome mage [adept] who uses wild magic.
- Might: 7, Speed: 16, Intellect: 17
- Effort: 1
- Intellect Edge: 1
- Cyphers: 3 + 2 more which must be subtle.
- wand of disintegration [radiation spike, level 7], blink balm [blinking, level 6], scroll of darkness [blackout, level 7], intellect booster [level 5], rejuvenator [level 4]
- Skills: TODO: Trained in Intellect defense actions, trained in two creative skills, practiced using hammers.
- Inabilities: Might defense tasks are hindered, Might-based tasks are hindered.
- Equipment: Appropriate clothing, bag of light or heavy tools, light armour hides and furs, net, dagger, hammer, adventuring pack, ale gallon, 4 ale mugs, backpack, climbing kit, lockpicks, 5.64 gp.
- Weapons: Can use light weapons without penalty, inability with medium and heavy weapons.
- Abilities: Distortion, Hedge Magic, Push, Onslaught, Minor Illusion, Magical Repertoire, Cypher Casting.
- Chaotic: Once after each ten-hour recovery roll, reroll a die roll of your choice and get presented with a GM intrusion.
- Arc: TODO
[This actually converted pretty well. The cypher abilities give a lot of randomness.]