Quarter Roy
Quarter Roy is a strong tough warrior who rages.
Cypher System Stat Block
- Might: 17, Speed: 12, Intellect: 9
- Effort: 1, Might Edge: 1
- Armor: 1
- Cypher Use: 2 cyphers at a time.
- Frenzy (1 Intellect point): enter frenzy in combat to gain +1 to Might Edge and Speed Edge, but can’t use Intellect points, ends when combat ends.
- Bash (1 Might point): pummeling melee attack inflicts 1 less point of damage, but dazes.
- Physical Skills: balancing, climbing.
- Trained Without Armor: trained in Speed defense tatks when not wearing armor.
- Combat Prowess: add +1 damage to melee weapon attacks.
- Healthy: add 1 to the points you regain when you make a recovery roll.
- Passives
- Very Powerful: +4 to your Might pool.
- Resilient: +1 to your Armor.
- Practiced with light, medium, and heavy weapons.
- Trained in Speed defense tasks when not wearing armor.
- Trained in all actions involving breaking inanimate objects.
- Trained in all balancing actions.
- Trained in all climbing actions.
- Trained in all jumping actions.
- Trained in might defense actions.
- Justice — Escaped from his captors, the Unfortunate Foster Children arena slave fighting group, and now wants to
help the children held hostage by the organizers.
- Opening
- Redeem Ibrandul
- a scrying bone [information sensor, level 8] — a small bone, perhaps of a finger, that allows one to divine information about a target in long range.
- a geometric scar of intelligence enhancement [level 5] — this scar of various geometric shapes and patterns appeared suddenly on your body.
bss notes
- Needs equipment