Raistlin Majere-Diamondson
Work in progress.
Raistlin Majere-Diamondson is a X elf sorcerer [adept] who consorts with the dead.
- Might: 9, Speed: 12, Intellect: 15
- Effort: 1
- Intellect Edge: 1
- Cyphers: 3
- Skills: TODO: Specialized in perception, practiced in one bow variety, trained in stealth tasks, specialized in stealth in natural woodland.
- Equipment: TODO: Appropriate clothing, bow and quiver of arrows, and other equipment worth 3d6+80 gp.
- Weapons: Can use light weapons without penalty, inability with medium and heavy weapons.
- Abilities: Far Step, Onslaught, Erase Memories, Shatter, Speaker for the Dead.
- Long-lived: Natural lifespan of thousands of years.
- Fragile: When you fail a Might defense roll to avoid damage, you take 1 extra point of damage.
- Arc: TODO
[I couldn’t figure out what adjective worked for Raistlin because we haven’t seen much of him in practice, to my recollection. I think Phoenix should just fill this in.]