Cypher System Homebrew

House Rules

Cost of Optional Spellcasting

Note: or psionics, or so on.

The optional spellcasting rule is very cool but the cost of casting these spells, particularly the recovery roll option, seems out of whack to me. Particularly, recovery rolls are a very limited resource and scale up in value as tiers (and thus, normal spend) increase, while the benefit of burning one stays the same. Meanwhile, we have resource pools right here to use.

Replace the "Using a Recovery Roll to Cast a Spell" paragraph with:

Using Strain to Cast a Spell: If the character spends 4/6/8 (low/mid/high) Pool points as part of the same action to cast the spell (including paying any normal Pool costs for the ability), they can use the ability as an action. This represents a significant mental or physical drain on the character, because the character must draw deeper from their capabilities in order to cast the spell.

Determining the Pool to draw from is up to the GM. For abilities with their own Pool cost, using the same Pool is a logical choice. Or, perhaps lean towards Intellect as a default, to represent the willpower necessary to pull from reserves and to match the spellcasting flavor.


Faerûnian Races

The Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (3e) presents a number of racial options for D&D characters. For a Cypher character that hews a bit closer to the Forgotten Realms line, you can apply these conversions:



Does Not Tread Lightly

You are an unstoppable force, once you get moving. You may be extraordinarily big for your kind, enhanced via magic or technology, or some kind of unnatural being, but you use your size and strength to solve problems.


Blessing of the Gods (more abilities)