Clouds and Chimeras
The Party
- Harve’i — ravenfolk druid, failed a ritual and now learning strange human customs
- Sleznik — lizardfolk barbarian, possibly actually a dragon definitely with aspirations of conquest
- Thorbert — human monk, member of the Stewards of the Wyrm and wandering “alchemist”
- Girael
- Tasha
House Rules
Play Notes
Session 1
The party of Sleznik, Harve’i, Thorbert, Girael, and Tasha encounter goblins breaking into Rio’s Curios, a shop of various magic trinkets and similar in the town of Highwind. Their particular target was a codex on the creation of dracoliches, which Rio was holding. A local necromancer desired the codex.
Killing the goblins and learning of the plot, the party decided to chase the goblins, while Rio fled (to the necromancer’s) with the codex.
Session 2 – 10?
I think I’ve lost my notebook, but am still digging. ~bss
Session… 11?
- They go back to the keep proper
- Captain asks about the orb
- Party plays dumb
- Actually, Alex smuggled it in a centipede
- They fail their bluffing to convince the captain they don’t have it
- Noah uses Diabolist confilcted 6 to say that demons strike the outside of the keep as a distraction
- Demon stuff happening outside draws most of the attention out
- … but Noah is very obviously Diabolist-y now, and the guards attack!
- Four guards and a captain and warmage attack, but the latter two flee
- They kill (!) they guards.
- They make it top side, see everyone fighting a big demon, and go the other way
- If they’re leaving the demon, they’re making a grave mistake
- They’re kind of making an argument for the greater Crusader good which lets them avoid the demon
- In an insane series of DM rolls, Thorbert can know any secret, and he thus suddenly learns the alchemical formula to the philosopher’s stone. I will provide this to Noah by next session. (the life/immortality one)
- Noah Archmage conflicted 6 — they pour flaming oil on the demon, and the wizard nullifies the fire resistance of the demon, so the demon is dead and the party helped. Yay!
- Then they get the heck out of the keep.
- Reminder: Thorbert’s orb is the one from Brandon’s sidequest to give it to the PoS
- Harve’i figures out where they are now after they ride away — they are a bit north of of Foothold
- They started at Horizon, so they went some distance away. Magic!
- They’re thinking of making their way to Foothold and see if they can take a boat to the Midland Sea, and go from there to Shadow Port and/or Horizon.
- They see an airship flying overhead after a couple days, the [REDACTED]’s airship, going back to the Crusader’s keep to [REDACTED] (but they of course don’t know that the keep is kinda in a bad shape right now).
- Harve’i flies up there to see what’s going on with them.
- Harve’i says he’s going to Horizon.
- Guy says that there has been weird sudden magical surges going on in Horizon, but they don’t know why or didn’t before they flew away.
- Harve’i takes his leave and flies away.
- Sleznik (The Three negative 6) somehow knows how to make airship engines.
Session 12
- They see weird animals as they go, Harve’i leads them further in
- He was being pulled to the area by the forest, it felt like
- They see the tree and go into it
- marching order: Sleznik, Harve’i, Thorbert
- Sleznik starts messing with one of the skeletons
- Battle
- Harve’i takes the fake gems, the ward is tripped
- Sleznik loots the jars, 90 gp
- Battle, with the ward
- Harve’i’s “nice” gems are laughing at him!
- Harve’i/Thorbert feel the need to purge the place of its evil
- Harve’i feels bad about the demon stuff… maybe that’s why he wants to cleanse it.
Session 13 – 20
I have notes for much of this, I just need to copy them in. ~bss