Work in progress.
Barney is a doomed tough abomination [warrior] who does not tread lightly.
- Might: 16, Speed: 11, Intellect: 9
- Effort: 1
- Might Edge: 1
- Cyphers: 2.
- Armor: 1.
- Skills: TODO: trained in perception-related tasks, trained in Speed defense tasks, trained in Might defense tasks, trained in Intellect defense tasks around losing your sanity or equanimity.
- Equipment: TODO: Two weapons of your choice (if any), one more light weapon, armor, and other equipment worth 6d6+100 gp.
- Weapons: Practiced with light, medium, and heavy weapons and suffer no penalty using any kind of weapon.
- Abilities: Bash, No Need for Weapons, Practiced in Armor, Combat Prowess, Crushing Blow.
- Doom: Cannot refuse GM intrusions on your character, and do not get an XP for it (still one awarded to another player though).
- Healthy: Add 1 to the points regained from a recovery roll.
- Arc: TODO
[I tried making a new focus, since nothing I found really felt, well, destructive enough. See Does Not Tread Lightly.]